Work is a blessing, not a curse.Thank God it’s Monday! Bridge the Sunday gap to Monday.Bridge the Sacred and Secular divide.Work is a ministry, not just a job.Work as Worship – work is more than a paycheck.Receive blessings from God and be a blessing at work.Keep an empty seat for Jesus at work – a reminder to invite Jesus to intervene, integrate our faith at work.Take Jesus to work – don’t leave Jesus at home. Don’t lock Jesus outside of your office.Embrace and enjoy our work with God’s 5P blessings – His Presence, Power, Promises, Provisions, Pleasant surprises.

Consider the Entrepreneurial Option


Image by Gerd Altmann / Pixabay . Used with Permission.

Galatians 5:1 (KJV): “Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage.”

COMMENTARY: When someone is “born again,” it is a fantastic event. Think of how excited Paul was when he reflected on his own salvation and observed others coming to Christ. Even the angels rejoice! However, in this passage, Paul has a concern about believers going back into the bondage of legalism or license from which they have been set free. Paul understands that when a soul is saved, God wants him or her to enjoy the Spirit-filled life of liberty.

APPLICATION: Are you sensing that it is time for a career change? Perhaps you have tried to be a Godly employee or employer, but you are feeling a persistent sense of spiritual oppression. The Holy Spirit is calling you to move on. The key question is, move on to what? Pray about it. The Holy Spirit may be leading you to take a huge leap of faith by starting your own business: a business that could bring glory and honor to the Lord; a business that could have a Christ-based culture; a business that could be operated with Biblical principles; a business that could allow you to soar in your Christian liberty and abound in the fruit and gifts of the Holy Spirit; a business that could be Kingdom-building.

If the Holy Spirit is leading you toward entrepreneurship, do not fight Him. He will provide what you need to fulfill His call.

Joyfully yours,


For Further Exploration

For further exploration about Luke 19:8 (KJV),read Taxing Issues (Luke 19:1-10; 20:20-26) from the Theology of Work Bible Commentary.