Work is a blessing, not a curse.Thank God it’s Monday! Bridge the Sunday gap to Monday.Bridge the Sacred and Secular divide.Work is a ministry, not just a job.Work as Worship – work is more than a paycheck.Receive blessings from God and be a blessing at work.Keep an empty seat for Jesus at work – a reminder to invite Jesus to intervene, integrate our faith at work.Take Jesus to work – don’t leave Jesus at home. Don’t lock Jesus outside of your office.Embrace and enjoy our work with God’s 5P blessings – His Presence, Power, Promises, Provisions, Pleasant surprises.


Elaine Kung 孔雷漢卿
Called To Work Founder, Co-Chair & Speaker since 1996

「職場使命」創辦人, 總裁, 講員
Elaine Kung(孔雷漢卿)長老於康奈爾大學和普林斯頓大學取得學士和碩士後,歷任貝爾實驗室和AT&T多個技術和業務領導職位,職場指導等各種年齡人群需要的生活技能,2017年底退休, 是一段33年成功的職業生涯。雷漢卿長老和丈夫30多年來熱衷於傳福音、門徒訓練,任講員、顧問、教師、執事、董事、執事會主席及教會長老。服務海內外的教會, 大學和非營利組織, 幫助小孩、青年、婦女、家庭、職場人員。1996年創辦的「Called To Work職場使命」事工,成立于美國東北部,發展到全國各地。鼓勵人們為在職場做好本職工作,為主做美好的見證。她提出的“感謝神,今天是星期一”的口號擴展到全美國,鼓勵姊妹弟兄在職場中接受神的祝福也成為他人的祝福。雷漢卿長老曾榮獲多項榮譽,被授予少數族裔女性職業成就獎,傑出商業女性,最具活力管理者等等。他們定居於聖地牙哥, 育有兩個成年子女, 都在工作。

• Born in Hong Kong, immigrated to Maryland as a teenager, became a Christian in 1981 – life transformed from a “trouble maker” to a “peace maker”
• Cornell B.S. Electrical/Materials Science Engineering; Princeton M.S. Electrical Engineering; Columbia, Cornell, Wharton Business School Executive Education
• AT&T Director, retired after 33 years of rewarding career
• Called To Work Founder, Co-Chair, Speaker since 1996
• Advisory Board for Dallas Theological Seminary – Hendricks Leadership Center, Liberty Corner Presbyterian Church Elder, Lausanne Workplace Ministry Advisory Board, Theology of Work Chinese Board Chair
• Ambassadors for Christ Board Director 基督使者協會董事
• President and Board Director for CEO Global USA and CEO Global Consulting, Board Director for New Hope Compassion, The Cultivation Project, International China Concern
• Passionate in evangelism, discipleship, workplace and family ministries; frequent speaker in the States and overseas on faith/work, leadership, career development, marriage, parenting and various life skills
• Recognized by WOC (Women of Color) STEM Career Achievement Industry Award, Successful Women in Business, Most On-Fire Manager
• Married to Dominic since 1986 with two grown children, residing in San Diego

Drew Crandall
Called To Work Co-Chair & Speaker since 2001
• Deep family roots in New England going back to the Rev. John Crandall who landed in Boston in 1634
• Born in Bridgeport, CT in 1955 and “born again” in East Windsor, CT in 1985
• Founder & President of Keep In Touch, a marketing and media consulting firm in Vernon, CT
• Founder & President of Northeast Christians At Work based in Vernon, CT
• Leadership positions in many organizations, including Union Church, Rockville Downtown Association, Better Business Bureau, Friends of the Prudence Crandall Museum, WIHS-FM 104.9 Christian Radio, Jacob’s Well Christian Coffeehouse, and Vision New England
• Author of several books, including The Role of Music in the Life of Man; Owner Talk, Owner Walk; The Salt Mine; and An Encouraging Word
• Frequent speaker across the northeastern USA
• Seasoned print, online, television and radio journalist