Work is a blessing, not a curse.Thank God it’s Monday! Bridge the Sunday gap to Monday.Bridge the Sacred and Secular divide.Work is a ministry, not just a job.Work as Worship – work is more than a paycheck.Receive blessings from God and be a blessing at work.Keep an empty seat for Jesus at work – a reminder to invite Jesus to intervene, integrate our faith at work.Take Jesus to work – don’t leave Jesus at home. Don’t lock Jesus outside of your office.Embrace and enjoy our work with God’s 5P blessings – His Presence, Power, Promises, Provisions, Pleasant surprises.

Elaine Kung Resources

How did a Chinese-American woman rely on the Lord to become a director of the largest telecommunications company in the United States? Want to hear the secret of her strength and grace? The Good News Parlor invited Elder Elaine Kung, former director of AT&T Telecommunications Company (the largest fixed-line and mobile phone company in the United States), to share her life story, faith testimony, and her vision for founding the “Called To Work” workplace mission ministry!

NEW! CalledToWork Books Available

15-minute video series:

Work-Life Balance | GLOBAL REACHOUT (

Faith in Business Quarterly, UK, Volume 22.2: Thank God it’s Monday, Elaine Kung

13-week Called To Work training series in English – Watch this video series at your own pace, enjoy the learning, living, loving, leading!

Interview video by Senior Pastor Neil Tomba at Northwest Bible Church in Dallas

Theology of Work – Work as Worship 3-minute video by RightNow Media

Workplace Ministry 2-minute video

Blog on Elaine’s journey and Called To Work written by Lorraine Grubbs

使者雜誌 » » 將信仰融入職場 / 孔雷漢卿

《愛與衝突》季刊 在衝突中,回應神對工作的呼召─給社會新鮮人/ Elaine Kung 孔雷漢卿

Called To Work in action: 2019 milestone of faith/work Movement at Lausanne Global Workplace Forum on June 25-29, 2019 in Manila, Philippines

Called To Work-JOY @ Work工作之樂, JOY @ Home家庭之樂, JOY @ Retirement退休之樂 Chinese

Called To Work founded in 1996 at Rutgers Community Christian Church-40th anniversary workshops: Case Studies in Workplace Ministry, and Missional Lifestyle: R.E.A.L. JOY @ Work

Called To Work Use Cases, Workplace Ministry Networks by Category Chinese English

Called To Work Workplace Ministry Maturity Models Chinese English 職場事工的成熟度模型

Communication Skills at Work Webinar Series:

Daily Workplace Prayer Models Chinese English 每天工作的禱告模型

Daily Workplace Prayer Powerpoint 

How to Respond to God as we are Called To Work Chinese English 如何更享受工作 –職場使命

Office Politics & Biblical Values Chinese English 如何處理辦公室政治

Retirement Party in November 2017 at AT&T HQ in Dallas

Sample Speaking Topics Chinese English 演講主題的例子

Soft Skill Talks Video Recordings:

WeChat Recording “如何使工作成为家庭之樂” “Called To Work – JOY @ Work: Blessings to the Family” in Mandarin for 2,500 members worldwide

Work Life Balance Chinese English 工作之樂: 在人生各階段去平衡家庭, 工作和服事

Zoom 1 hour of Called To Work 職場使命 – 天路TLM职场讲座「如何在职场开启新的团契服事?」